An independent design and research practice at the intersection of tech and the architectural industries, offering unique value possibilities for those interested in design, the metaverse, cities, and the future fabric of life.
The lab explores the architectonics of the surveillant city—an amalgam of real and fictional localities, a megastructure-by-chance that repurposes humans, places, and nature into the larger project of the big data economy.
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The current milieu—or the non-lieu—of urbanization is a polyphony of operational inclusion; of casting spatial potencies or hindrances, creating new cloudy entanglements, and transit subjects. It is as much about the control of scenarios as it is about the chaos of locality. How do we come to understand this city? The protocols of control, rituals of reassurance, syntaxes of communion, and artifacts of automation are only some of the elements of this assemblage.
x-commons is a critical spatial practice and an open collaborative to explore the questions of commons plus aesthetics.
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As a platform for public scholarship, x-commons explores the relationship between power and knowledge, and the regimes of legibility as it relates to the production of a public realm. The primary line of inquiry is about the heuristics of commons. Regardless of the object/scale/scope, x-commons is not about the question "what" but "how," i.e., how the commons work and how the commons can be explicated. In this regard, x-commons is a collector of commons' heuristics.
Is teaching a form of conversation? Can this conversation verify the equality of intelligence among participants? What if teaching recognizes this equality without asserting uniformity in its manifestations?[1] Can pedagogic curation, then, be both canonical and heterogeneous, authored and polyphonic?
This method is shaped by my research, which informs my pedagogy—grounded in equality and framed as a distinct yet closely aligned inquiry.
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